Thank you for being a part of the When Strivings Cease OBS
When Strivings Cease
by Ruth Chou Simons
Just because this study is coming to an end, doesn't mean this has to be goodbye!
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Hey friend,
Welcome to the Online Bible Study hosted by my friends at FaithGateway! I hope you’ve joined this Bible study because you’re tired—tired of striving. Of course, I don’t wish for you to be weary, but the truth is: I’m glad you’re ready to lay down the exhausting pursuit of self-betterment and find God’s remedy for our need for approval and belonging. When Strivings Cease is my story of freedom from striving, and this study is a journey through God’s Word that will show us why Jesus is better than our very best efforts.
Chances are, like me, you find that in spite of what the latest meme says or what funny video your girlfriend texted you this morning, you still don’t feel like you’re quite enough. For all that’s on your plate, for the kids in your care, for the dreams you have, for the friends you long for, for the ministries you wait on others to start. With so many opportunities and resources available to us, why do we still feel like we’re not enough?
Well, perhaps it’s because we were never actually meant to measure up by popular opinion, earthly standards, religious ideals, or dream-making aspirations. If you’ve been fed a steady diet of, “You are enough!”, you likely believe it all depends on you. Perhaps you’re tempted to believe you just need to try harder, get your act together, make a plan, and execute it with precision. You may feel like you’re running on empty . . . because you are.
The “You are enough—just improve yourself” narrative has left so many women like you and me exhausted, worn out, and wondering why we can’t figure out how to be satisfied or how to stop striving so anxiously. The answer we’re looking for isn’t the latest strategy for self-improvement; it’s the enduring gift of amazing grace, through Jesus.
Together, we will explore the welcome God meant for us to have by grace, through faith. It is a welcome that replaces striving for approval, striving for self-betterment, and striving to earn love and favor. I am so glad you’ve picked up this study and are ready to dig into the riches of God’s grace, together. I can’t wait for you to see just how amazing grace really is!
Because of grace,
Ruth Chou Simons
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