Session One: The Hidden Power of Acceptance
Session One
Welcome to the first session of the study! We’re so thrilled to begin this six-week journey with you! Each week for the next six weeks we’ll be reading and studying a different chapter in Galatians (six in all, one chapter per week), watching the teaching videos with Jada, memorizing a verse of the week, engaging in community conversations and sharing of our journaling and Scripture coloring pages. It's going to be such a rich and powerful Bible study (and a lot of fun too)! Are you ready to get started? In the whole Bible, there is no more passionate, comprehensive, yet concise statement of the truth of the gospel than Galatians. Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. No work can earn salvation. Let's dive in...
- Memory Verse of the Week:
Galatians 1:3-5
- This Week's Personal Study:
(Study Guide pages 20-28)
DAY 1: Galatians 1:1-5
DAY 2: Galatians 1:6-10
DAY 3: Galatians 1:11-24
- Next Week:
Session 2 (Galatians 2): Your Life Is Rich in Purpose
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